Teen continuing blog on her abuse
With my family, respect is a term to cover everything [...]
How Humor Can Reduces the Stress Caused by the Pandemic
Key Takeaways Studies show that humor has the power to [...]
Growing Up Abused
This is Blog 9 for me. Sharing my experience to [...]
My Story – Blog continued from 14 year old child abuse victim
For the past couple of months, I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety.
Courageous Teen Blog continued
The hardest part in the healing process for me is [...]
Flares and flashes. Outbursts and eruptions. The words used to describe anger tend to be volcanic.
What Is Imposter Syndrome?
What Is Imposter Syndrome? by Arlin Cuncic Impostor syndrome (IS) [...]
14 year old survivor of abuse blog part 3
I struggle with anxiety and that compared with a narcissistic [...]
Blog by 14 year old continues regarding her abuse:
I’ve talked a lot about how my family has negatively [...]