It has been very interesting to see the responses I have been getting from the subject on PAS. I have received numerous “hate” messages from gender biased individuals who support PAS. I even received an email with a long list of names of supporters of PAS as though that was to impress me. Let me remind you that there were plenty of individuals throughout history that had a long list of supporters who misled, lied to, and manipulated those supporters into killing others and putting then into concentration camps. Those individuals and their supporters were so focused on power and control that they had to win at all costs. PAS is not that different in that it’s whole purpose is to devestate those who it is used against. It does not care about the children’s wishes nor do those who use it listen to the children who state they were being abused by a parent, and force them into enviroments that are not safe nor what the children want. And this is done by PAS creator, Richard Gardner, when he says “well we know all children lie” – and of course we know he did NO research on that and made a blanket statement of untruth. Not all children lie – some actually tell the truth. However, PAS does not take that into account since Gardner didn’t believe it – neither do his supporters. Just because someone says there is such a thing as PAS doesn’t mean its true. Just because one “wishes” PAS to be in existance doesn’t mean it is!!!! Prove it and quit talking it into “hopeful existance” and “prove it” not to be harmful to another individual – prove that it is based on love and not power and control. This can’t be done because the sole reason to use it is to devestate another individual or individuals.
Normal relationships when they end don’t use PAS. Normal individuals who have empathy for another work things through without trying to devestate another and use “regard” and negotiating techniques which include compromise and respect. I know many good men and women who get divorced and refuse to allow their attorneys to use PAS because of its negative power and control against another person that they once loved. Normal people try to work out their problems and try constructive methods and not destructive methods. But abusers knowing that they are losing their power and control love PAS because it is based in destructive power and control mentality and behaviors.
So stop sending me your hate email. Be honorable and respectful and understand that this world can have different thoughts on things and that is okay. We don’t have to think like you nor believe what you believe. And certainly, your abusive behaviors with me is not going to get you very far. I know your personality and behaviors and you don’t impress me.
It is the differences in this world that makes us unique. It is the fact we can all think on our own and don’t have to be told how to think or what to think that gives us the ability of “choice” making. Remember that PAS supporters when you want to spew out your words of hate, negativity and “you have to believe this” messages. We don’t have to believe you.