I have recently had to report two suspected child abuse cases to DCFS within two weeks here in California. To my dismay, the first case that was reported, the social worker who was assigned the case, appeared competent on the initial conversation, but sadly missed the boat entirely, as the conversation progressed. Why do we have social workers who are not experts in child abuse, handling child abuse cases? It makes no sense. This woman had NO training in child abuse except what little she got in her social work course, and had NO extra training (which is much needed), over the years she has been working for DCFS. Her main goal was to get the case closed NO MATTER WHAT and to say the mom and child were lying about the child being sexually abused. She spent no longer than 15 minutes interviewing the child and then said nothing happened. When I raised you-know-what with her lack of competency in interviewing, fact finding, etc., she backed down and said to me , “Okay. You are right. I will do as you request.” What I had requested was a medical exam of the little girl and an expert in child sexual abuse who was also a therapist, to examine the child. When BOTH of those two exams had taken place, the and ONLY then, should she close the case. She told me that the child’s attorney, the father’s attorney, told her the mother was lying and she believed them. What? Was I really hearing what I thought I heard? The alleged perpetrator and his attorney denied he molested the girl and the court appointed guardian ad litem also said the mother was lying and “alienating’ the little girl – yet it was the little girl who was telling what was being done to her – not the mother. OUTRAGEOUS that without any expert’s opinion, two attorneys and a social worker who was not trained in child sexual abuse, were deciding the little girls fate and so focused on “alienation theory” that they forgot about protecting a little girl and making sure that there was a “rule out” of sexual abuse. I was livid to say the least. I demanded the social worker make sure the two tests were done before any judgment was given. I wrote a letter to the courts in defense of protecting the little girl and “ruling in or out” molestation by experts and not by legal entities who are not trained. Needless to say, I also followed up the chain of command at DCFS to voice my disappointment and disgust at the handling of the case by “so called child protection” social workers. I reminded them of lawsuits that take place when they don’t do their jobs correctly. That got their attention more than anything – even protecting a child! Go figure.
Second case, I got the same “supervisor” as the first case and boy was it a different story. The supervisor when he saw my name on the report, stepped into the case, is doing the right thing, making sure all the “i’s” are dotted and “t’s” are crossed. Now why did it take me, having to make a “noise” with DCFS, to get them to do the right thing? It should not have been an issue and they should have done the right thing from the get go.
There needs to be a law in place that DCFS MUST be trained experts in child abuse if they are going to work in the profession of protecting children. They should be MANDATED to take classes that keep them abreast of the latest research in child abuse and stop focusing on “alienation” and focus on “protection” of children. This is a no brainer as far as I am concerned.
I am disgusted with the lack of concern shown to children in the Los Angeles DCFS system. It should not have to take someone like me to have to stand up and speak out for children when it is their job.
Advocates around the country have experienced with children’s protection services what I have experienced. I write this today because it is not the first time this has happened with me and DCFS (unfortunately) and I am sure it won’t be the last. But my suggestion is this – to those mom’s and dad’s out there who have had the same experience I have had with DCFS or Child Services – get media involved to expose those who fail to protect children and who are in their jobs for money more than for children’s safety. Expose via media the colluding that social workers have with attorneys and judges who are not about protecting children, but rather just getting rid of a case off their desks because they don’t want to be bothered.
Get disgusted like me and DO SOMETHING to make a difference for children who need protection from parents who are abusing them and others who hide their heads in the sand via the law.
Together, we can save a child from an abuser – one at a time. One child will be able to say, “thank you” for making a difference for me.