I have gone to lots of cultural diversity and domestic violence trainings. Basically they all say the same thing and are given by those who are from other countries outside othe United States, as if we here in the United States, don’t have a clue about cultural diversity. I find this “given” offensive since America has been a melting pot and probably has more diveristy than most other countries – and has for years. I grew up in Asia and can tell you that America has more diversity than any of those countries and yet, we get cultural diversity mandates from a variety of sources, like we are new to this concept and to other cultures.
In the mental health field we know it is important to know how the cultural concepts impact individuals. This is NOT new information. However, answer this question for me: What has it got to do with domestic violence? Domestic violence is in every culture – I haven’t heard of one culture in my over 25 years of working in the field, where there is no domestic violence. So why do we focus so much on it?
I am a firm believer that domestic violence is also a family “culture” that gets passed down generation to generation and that is where our focus should be if we are to stop it. You aren’t going to change a society’s culture if you don’t change family culture. So all of you cultural diversity trainers out there – why not educate and give more information on how family culture is more important than a countries culture if we are want to end family violence in this world.
Sociopathic type abusers, anti social type abusers, typical abusers are all raised in family systems that promote it. Tell me about those family systems and how to stop it from spreading there. How many experts in domestic violence even know these three types of abusers? The family culture that these individuals are raised in is most important to know if we are to help them stop their negative attitudes, behaviors and beliefs.
Culture diversity – family diversity. Change one and you change the other! Have to begin with family cultures first since it is nearly impossible to change a entire countries culture. This is “ground up” or “grass roots” change to end domestic violence. Let me know what you think about culture diversity and family culture!!!