Emotional addiction is a strong addiction that keeps individuals in negative relationships unless they learn to break the addiction. As discussed in previous blogs (and for those who have come to my Emotional Addiction Training Program), there are different ways to break the addiction and keep in mind that “one size does not fit all” in recovery.  So focusing the mind is another way to help anyone break this negative bond to someone.

Most wisdom literature talks about the power of the mind and focusing our mind.  When we focus our mind, we calm our mind and we can think more clearly.  There are many ways to focus your mind.

Spending time praying to God about what you are thinking and feeling.  You don’t have to mince words, if anyone can take it, the creator of the universe can. Then be still and be open to God’s presence. You are probably not going to experience a burning bush or a light shining down on you at night out on I-94,
but don’t be surprised if you an answer comes to you and you feel like you are in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Meditation is very broad category that is recognized by most religions.  It is like prayer, but more introspective. There are many ways to meditate, but here is one method.  Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, feel your body, and remember a place where you felt completely relaxed. Spend time thinking about things that you are grateful for.  Focus on positive words like Love, Thanks, Peace, Hope, Faith, Kindness, Wealth, Happiness, Acceptance, and Generosity.  Once you are in a relaxed state, think about your each thing you are grateful for.  After doing this many times, you will even be grateful for this things
that you used to anger you.

Unlike television or other forms of media, reading is very active.  It takes effort to read.  Reading stimulates our minds and focuses our minds. It is even better when we read something that inspires us or instructs us, but the act of reading helps give us focus.

If you took all of the benefits that come from exercise and put them in a pill, someone would want to regulate it or make it illegal.  If we spend 20 minutes exercising each day, we can decrease our healthcare costs. Exercise has great benefits for each of us.  Exercise helps with weight management, increases
our energy levels, helps us sleep better, and can even combat or prevent chronic diseases. Finally it improves our mood by releasing chemicals in our brain called endorphins which relax us and give us a feeling of well-being.